Our Policies
Conflict of Interest
New employees declare any conflict of interest at the start of their employment with CPH. Existing employees make annual declarations on conflict of interest.
Please see our privacy policy here
CPH, a unit within SG Enable Ltd, does not tolerate any malpractice, impropriety, statutory non-compliance or wrongdoing involving staff in the course of our work.
Below provides an avenue for employees, suppliers, contractors and other parties to step forward and disclose, in good faith, their concerns on wrongdoings.
Reports can be made to whistleblow@sgenable.sg.
In order to effectively evaluate and investigate a concern, the report made should provide as much specific details as possible. The following information should be included:
Name of whistleblower
Name(s) of person(s)/partner(s)/vendor(s) involved
Date, time and location of incident
Description of the concern
Frequency of occurrence
Evidence, if any
Any other information that may substantiate the concern
We will hold all reports and the identities of the whistleblowers in strictest confidence.